alicewalksonthewilds ?

Does somebody knows who is that mysterious person behind alicewalksonthewilds. He or she seems to spent, in a conceptuel way, a lot of time on our lost cause.
Georges Bataille is fine.


auto-hide said…
I have an idea about who she is
auto-hide said…
I think it has to be her who claims the name
où la Vie said…
just give me some hint. I'm dying to know.
auto-hide said…
I'm not sure anymore. I'm starting to think that it's you.
où la Vie said…
juré craché, c'est pas moi
Anonymous said…
I have quite some identities on flickr now to keep track with, but I don't recall Alice being one. But maybe i'm wrong...
où la Vie said…
Human: merde
ALICE: Un problème?
kali said…
I think it is a staff member.

By the way, why do everybody assume it is a she ?
auto-hide said…
cause I thought that it was you
kali said…
I am not that patient nor methodic nor that "selfcontrolled" ... ;) my dutch ascendance rarely takes over my passionate italian roots.

And by the way, I do not care who is behind that avatar ... that stream is just a reflection, a mirror, for what happened.

by the way ... "our lost cause" ...

I am sorry, but that "our" sounds inappropriate ...

On one side we have a few people which deletion took a few weeks of intense action, some alerts, quite some blockings, thousands lines of discussions ...

On the other side, you have a few for which it took one sentence, a few seconds and some "love" or at least interest for the previous deleteds ...

Not much in common ... I don't even know what really your cause was ... safe and unsafe ? thousands people live in countries with no freedom of speach and achieve interesting criticisms, strong works ... limits can also develop creativity ... there are thousands examples on how the Hayes code was avoided in many subtles ways ...

So, if someone could explain to me what your cause was, I'd would be happy to acknowledge it.

psss ::: that red ... gives me some "bull" feeling ;)
Anonymous said…
"Alice" is a feminine given name (used primarily in English and Italian)(see Wikipedia) maybe this is a hint.

"On one side we have a few people which deletion took a few weeks of intense action, some alerts, quite some blockings, thousands lines of discussions... " ??
où la Vie said…
Réponse à Kali:
"Cause" was a too big word. I was lazy finding something more appropriate. But if there was one, it occured after the delation.

Pardon mais je passe en français :

Ce n'est pas une cause mais une prise de conscience qu'ils (qui?) peuvent décider de supprimer un compte sur Internet à leurs bon vouloir (et peu importe les raisons en fin de compte).
Et de ce prévaloir d'une soit-disante charte que personne ne lit (trop longue).

J'avais juste lu: permettre aux gens de partager leur contenu avec les personnes de leur choix.

Enfin, c'était pour moi la première fois que je suis directement confronté à un acte de censure sur la toile.

A voir si c'est "une cause" comme le manque de liberté de millions de personnes dont tu parlais ?

C'est trop tôt pour le dire.
theludo said…
I actually thought it was lovetoloveyou, then she's saying it's not her....I have too little time to spend on flickr/blogs and the likes to be able to identify this Alice, I guess the person took the name from Alice in wonderlands, probably mocking the Disney-Safe paraphrase.
what kali said is quite obvious and right, I mean, some of the people were deleted for expressing their sympathy and others because they actually did "something" (and I am not going into the debate again. it was wrong of flickr to act indiscriminately, but from what I have been told, things had been going on for quite a while between superT and the others).
However, we can keep on bantering about fair and unfair, safe and unsafe. those are their rules, no one force us to go on flickr, but, if we want to be on it, then we have to do it their style. this doesn't mean publishing only Disneyland pictures, but being grown up enough to discern what (in western culture) is considered safe and what isn't. therefore flagging our damn photos as "safe" "moderate" or "restricted" according to the subject shown.
and if we have some qualms about the way our stream is treated, then to act in a different way, from the one we/you used as it's going to damage not only the ones ACTING, but also the ones who may show sympathy. it's as simple as that. it was only after l2lU wrote me to explain what happened that I realised things had been going on for quite a while with that person, and had I known before, I'd have said to her "drop it, this guy has a pea size brain and he's going to make you pay for it, coz this is the only way he has to get back at you".
now, probably my intevention has nothing to do with this post, but I just want to say that this blog can be very creative and exciting so let's make soemthing out of it and stop talking about this, because, we can do it forever, but all those accounts will remain deleted, whether we feel is right or wrong.

auto-hide said…
"Alice in wonderlands, probably mocking the Disney-Safe paraphrase."

alice was never safe and is not a disney production.

"but, if we want to be on it, then we have to do it their style."

flickr is a service. Do you have to eat your burger in McDonalds style after you pay for it?

on the other hand, I always thought of "moderate" or "restricted" flags as a way of protecting yourself from your regular american who uses flickr for his family shots. cause, you know, they're never alone, you offend one and you deal with all the conservative fucks that browse around in their cubicles while they do nothing: SAFE FOR WORK they would yell at you, we're working here in our offices yet we're online and looking at your pictures.

"now, probably my intevention has nothing to do with this post, but I just want to say that this blog can be very creative and exciting so let's make soemthing out of it and stop talking about this, because, we can do it forever, but all those accounts will remain deleted, whether we feel is right or wrong."


I think alice is HBH by the way
où la Vie said…
That’s was the title of the Blog (thanks to a-h). Don’t mind of the colours and fonts changing all the time, but it seems to me that there is more censure here than on flickr.
What's going on?
Shall I express a few things:
When I’ve asked about alicewalksonthewilds, it was not a pervert question. I thought it was one of us (don’t know what it means by the way). And until now, there is no answer and I don’t mind.
In one of Ludo’s latest comment (help forum feeling), I read: “some of the people were deleted for expressing their sympathy and others because they actually did "something".

Sorry, but could you be more precise about that "something", otherwise it will be difficult to go on. I know that everybody is fed up about flickr deletion, but if I understand things correctly (my English is poor), we are the bad. Please clear up that division (express by Kali as well).

I thought this blog was to post things not the flickr’s style. There are no rules here, so please no deletion!!!
kali said…
Your questioning about alice is not pervert and you are not the "bads".

I personnaly just do think that justice is knowledge and not jugment.

So I needed to understand the whole story I was fully unwillingly involved in (I was involved by a mail of someone who wasn't at all involved nor before nor after, and I only had a small group deleted, easy to bring back to life ... which is quite funny for a "cemetary ! ;)) and alice helped me.

Now I think I have a full picture (something that was thought as a funny game with some deep values to defend and revealed itself a tragi-comedy because of the lack of humour).

Now, the things i see writes on his new stream :
i was deleted without any notice.
starting over

If he does (to me, he was the major victim followed by ludo, who starts over too, with humour and in a very lively way too), I think it is time for all of us to do too.

We were the victims of humour ... we should try not to loose it !

That doesn't mean that we shouldn't defend our point of view, but we have to change tactic, and not here, but on flickr. I personaly have nothing to show here that I could not show there ...

So to me this a place where to share ideas and interests in a different way ...

Have a delicious night all of you !
theludo said…
Auto Hide, sorry to retort but Alice in Wonderlands has also been a Disney production
Disney very often took already existing tales and made them into movies, Alice was one of them :)

as for Où, I never said some were the "bad ones", so please do not get paranoid about it, what I said is simply that I was deleted for one comment I put on lovetoloveyou stream, and "the things I see" too, when love2loveU wrote me a mail some time ago to explain more in details the facts in chronological order(which I had missed since I was away on business for a few days and had no time to log on flickr and didn't even know my account had been deleted) and from her mail, it appeared that some of you have actually had more interaction with that "member" I like to call him a member, I think it suits him. This prolonged interaction gave him the hiccups and made us delete all of us who were joking. I am not accusing you, or love or halfbreed of anyone, man, I think that what happened sucks and was totally unnecessary, still, if you don't mind, I got deleted because I called him "a charmer", you'll agree that it's not an offensive word, right? the story L2LU told me, showed that you guys were more "present" than me, but with the phrase I used, I didn't mean to say you were the bad guys, as I said before, don't be paranoid, ok? As Kali said, we were ALL victim of our sense of humour, so keep showing you have one, yes?
kali said…
"member" .... I kind of like that very much ,))
Anonymous said…

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